Wednesday, March 27, 2013

More Easter fun

The kids "baked" cookies for a snack.
We painted with potatoes and made a spring picture with stickers. I did an example and showed them how to make a setting for the stickers they chose. We also graphed skittles and played outside.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


We missed SC today but had fun surprising the G family today. Treats for mommy and daddy and lunch with sister. The twins even got a treat from Mr. I.


Last stop, Ben's school to watch his egg hunt.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Easter Math Fun

We started our day with a little painting...

The girls made a door hanger for their rooms for the Easter Bunny.

We did some math activities after calendar.

They each had a set of egg puzzles to put together. After doing it on the floor, they had to glue them together at the table.

Each child took a turn choosing an egg, shaking it and then guessing what was inside. Once it was opened, they had to count the number of objects for their friends.


Then we filled the eggs and did it again at the table. This time, they had to draw the egg, color it in and then write the number of things that were counted next to the egg.

We talked about how much Jesus loves us and colored a cross. They made a pattern around their picture with white and yellow paper.

A reading to SC.

Jesus loves us so much that he died on the cross for us. Happy Easter!

The big kids finished their color by number workbooks today. They started these back in September.