Friday, April 26, 2013


We did a little review this morning. We used stamps to letter match and to just have fun with. We used blocks to make different patterns, discuss sizes and to practice balancing. They watched the color songs during snack and sang along.
We met Emma at the park and then it was already lunch time!
The big kids worked on handwriting and math when SC went down.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ocean Animals

We made lots of fun things today and worked hard on our lessons.
Seeing the bunnies in the morning have become a regular occurrence. They were laughing today because the bunnies were chasing one another.
We painted, colored, sang and danced. The morning went by pretty fast! Enjoy the pictures.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I see bunnies!!!

You would think that after a while they would be use to seeing bunnies everyday! The excitement of seeing two in the neighbor's yard was too much today. Ha ha
After dropping Ben off, we headed to Lucy's to play.
We made the best out of a dreary day. :)